Thursday, July 5, 2012

Just Call Me "Big Ears"

I was born with ears just like my daddy's. This brought no comfort to me as I grew up. I was always being teased about my ears and was very ashamed of them and very self-conscious about them. I kept my hair long enough to make sure the were always covered as I became a teenager and young adult. My attitude about my ears changed in my second year of teaching. I was teaching a class of second graders. One of my students was a young man with very large ears that stuck straight out. He was teased alot about those ears at home and at school. One morning he came in with tears streaming down his cheeks. He put his coat on over his head and would not take it off. After giving him a big hug and talking to him, I found out that everyone on the bus had called him "big ears" and "elephant ears". I sat him on my lap and told him my secret. I then pushed my hair back behind my ears. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. My ears were just like his!. I told him that our ears were cool and made us special. I never again hid my ears and every time anyone picked at him about his ears he would tell them that his ears were just like his teachers and they were cool.  I learned more from him that day than he learned from me. God made me just the way he wanted me  and that is just fine.
Have you ever been ashamed of anything about you? Remember, you are the way you are supposed to be.


  1. I have never thought you had big ears! But I understand that we are all more aware of the things about us that we don't particularly like. My cousins used to tease me about my nose. However, they didn't exactly have small schnozzes. :)

  2. Your nose is perfect for you. By the time you came along I was at peace with my ears thanks to that little boy. It kind of gave me a purpose for having ears that stick out. When my children were born, the first thing their father did was to make sure their ears were not like mine. This didn't hurt my feelings like it would have before this event I described. I just laughed at it.
